Ο Ορθόδοξος ιεραπόστολος στη Σιέρα Λεόνε επισημαίνει τον επισιτιστικό κίνδυνο για το λαό της Σιέρα Λεόνε, παράλληλα με τον ιό Έμπολα. Όσοι μπορούν, ας βοηθήσουν τον δοκιμαζόμενο λαό της Σιέρα Λεόνε και τους ορθόδοξους αδελφούς μας, κατοίκους της Σιέρα Λεόνε.
Αν μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε, μπείτε: http://paradise4kids.org/how-to-donate/
Συλλογή τροφίμων για τη Σιέρα Λεόνε (Φίλυρο Θεσσαλονίκης)
Christ be with you.
I wish to reach out to you once again and bring to your attention that Sierra Leone is experiencing a food crisis due to the Ebola outbreak. Namely, prices of staple food items are going up dramatically. This is hitting the ordinary citizen and the poor very hard.
The price of rice has nearly doubled; Cassava has increased in price by tenfold, pepper, oil etc. are becoming more expensive to buy. If this pattern continues we are going to face a humanitarian food crisis for the average citizen and the poor of this region.
I am therefore pleading for one or two containers of staple West African food supplies (rice, oil, salt, sugar, tomato sauce etc) to be sent as quickly as possible.
This supply will not be used for our Mission only and the people we serve but some will also be allocated to the State for general distribution. We are working closely with the Ministry of Social Welfare.
If you can help please visit http://paradise4kids.org/how-to-donate/
I thank you in advance for your rapid response and apologise for any inconvenience.
With gratitude in Christ
+Rev Themi Adamopoulo
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Ιερείς της Μαύρης Αφρικής
Πρωτοπόροι Έλληνες ιεραπόστολοι στην Αφρική
10 ιεραποστολικά βίντεο (& άλλα 10+3)